Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 21?

Just got back from Michigan for my dads birthday and incidentally Easter as well.  It was a quick visit, but SO good.  I wish I was there still.  Ok I'm going to go all the way and just say I wish I lived there.  Katelyn and I both know that were supposed to be in CO Springs, and I know the economy is aweful in MI, but its so good to be around family and friends.  Anyway, I'll be updating the blog later today, but I wanted to post something since its been so long.

Peace of Schmidt:
I knew I was back in Colorado when the people driving in the fast lane were going 5 under the speed limit.  There's no joke here, Colorado drivers are just very frustrating.


  1. There's nothing like time with family. I get my fix this coming weekend. Woot!

  2. Colorado drivers sound like my kinda people. :D However, being that I like to drive below the limit and I live near Detroit, I know to stay far away from the fast lane. Thanks for the blog update! (isn't it hard to keep track of the day #? I just changed all mine cuz I realized I was two days off.)

  3. Colorado drivers cannot be as bad as Tulsa drivers! There's just no way!

    Detroit, on the other hand, sounds like my kind of place.
